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[Limited Edition Hardcover Signed Copies + Now Shipping] Includes signed Hardcover copies of the new release INVISIBLE: THE BLACK & BLUES OF CHILD WELFARE + THE COLOR CODE: 10 ESSENTIAL ANTIRACIST TOOLS & STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTITIONERS.






NEW RELEASE: Invisible: The Black & Blues of Child Welfare examines the state of emergency for Black children, youth, and families in a broken system in America. Invisible discusses how the child welfare system has a well documented history of punishing and criminalizing Black families more than any other group, causing deeper penetration into the foster care system, longer stays in out-of-home placements, and are more likely to age out without adequate support. A perpetuation of the criminal justice system, the book addresses the severe disproportionality and overrepresentation of Black children in foster care, and the need for targeted and intentional strategies, policy and practice changes for the trajectory of Black families in the child welfare system. Readers will be introduced to historical origins, legislation, interventions and recommendations to create a new form of supportive, comprehensive, culturally appropriate services specifically for Black families. Invisible: The Black and Blues of Child Welfare amplifies a call to action to ensure Black children, youth, and families are no longer going unseen, and shines a spotlight for immediate intervention to help families thrive. As a follow-up to The Color Code: 10 Essential Antiracist Tools and Strategies for Social Work Practitioners, Invisible: The Black and Blues of Child Welfare takes a deeper dive into the legacy of adverse outcomes for Black families in the child welfare system in America. Readers will be able to navigate historical and current harm through an antiracist lens, to reimagine how to effectively engage and support the beauty and legacy of Black folx in The United States, making this group of people... invisible no more. // 200 pages 


Unlock The Color Code and learn how to reimagine social work through an antiracist lens. The "Color Code" is a necessary "how-to-guide" centering race and racial equity, during an era of civil unrest, social injustice, and systemic racism. Readers will identify tools and strategies to radically disrupt racial and ethnic disparities among Black, Indigenous, People of Color. A comprehensive resource for social work practitioners, professionals, students, and community members to take critical steps in addressing structural racism, through an anti-racist framework. // 116 pages


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Limited Edition Bundle - Hardcover Signed Author Copies

SKU: 004
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